Girinath Anandhan

Cencora - Account Receivables (Client financial services)

Buvusios darbovietės, pareigos: I work as Accounts Receivable Specialist I manage invoice collections, ensures timely customer payments, and maintains accurate financial records. My key tasks include issuing invoices, following up on overdue payments, and resolving billing discrepancies. This role requires strong organizational and communication skills.

Ekspertinės sritys ir karjeros patirtys: I have experience in Mechatronics engineering and Finance.

Stipriosios asmeninės savybės: Networking, communication and Adaptability & Flexibility

Mano motyvacija/asmeninis tikslas dalyvaujant mentorystės programoje: I am motivated to apply for the career mentoring program because I am passionate about guiding others and sharing my knowledge and experiences to help students navigate their career paths. Having benefited from mentors myself, I am eager to give back to the community and support the next generation of professionals. Mentoring also offers an opportunity for personal growth and gaining new perspectives, which I find highly rewarding. With my background in mechatronics engineering and fintech, I can provide valuable industry insights and practical advice to students. Additionally, I look forward to building meaningful connections with students and fellow mentors, enhancing my professional network and fostering a collaborative learning environment.

Pomėgiai ir kita informacija apie mane: I am an Analog astronaut and TedX speaker